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Welcome to KPCommuter Pinole

This system can help you to quickly and securely find carpool, walking, bicycling, and transit partners. Using your home and work addresses, you will be matched to nearby commuters with similar schedules. You will also be matched to transit, bicycle, and walking routes, to see how many calories you will burn and how much CO2 you will save. Match with people who you can relate to. You might make some new friends along the way. Plus, save the environment - while having fun!

Rideshare with friends

Drive Less and Thrive 

Kaiser Permanente Oakland Medical Center is recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as one of the country’s Best Workplaces for Commuters. This elite national designation supports Kaiser Permanente Oakland Medical Center’s push to promote commuting alternatives such as using transit, carpooling, and bicycling and walking to work. Kaiser Permanente is committed to reducing Single Occupancy Vehicles (SOV) trips.